Forgive me bowels for I have sinned.

As humans we are known to underestimate previous pain and consequences. We follow our hearts and give into temptation with little to no regard about the consequences. Even the most strong-willed person is vulnerable to the deception of his/her own brain. We tend to forget (underestimate) how much pain we have been through in the past. 

Unfortunately, my brain has deceived me yesterday.

Oh it says to me “it won’t hurt”, “even if it did hurt, it won’t be too bad!”, “just take a pill afterwards and you’ll be fine” … oh I’m so mad I listened to those deceitful thoughts.

So, here’s what happened. I craved coffee and my brain tricked me into thinking It will be fine just having a little cup. I am aware caffeine and milk are triggers for me but I still fell into the trap of my deceitful brain. I ended up having a pumpkin spice latte.

About 3-4 hours later, it hits me. I couldn’t sleep because I wasn’t comfortable from this dull ache on my upper right abdomen; that pain soon turned into a stabbing pain. Then my lower bowels joined the party and starting aching … you’d think they are hurting because caffeine causes you to want to use the bathroom; well it was just the opposite yesterday, seemed like my bowels were holding everything hostage. I was so mad!!

I took medication but that didn’t seem like it was doing me any good. I had my heat pad wrapped around my abdomen all night until I finally fell asleep at 8AM.

This post is mainly a “note to self” kind of post. NEVER ever, ever & ever listen to those deceitful thoughts.

I’m sorry bowels for I have sinned and caused you so much unnecessary pain. Forgive me!

I hope you guys are doing better than I am this week.

Please feel free to share what your bowel “sin” is. Would love to hear your stories.

Live life to the fullest flavours.

stressed baker xo.