Beetroot Feta Salad.

Over the last few years I have noticed that I have been falling in love with… SALADS! Yes, I said salad! In the past , I used to be the kind of girl that would have a salad every once in a while or just have a tiny portion as a side. Now, I find myself having a salad at least a couple of times a week & I could have a salad as a main dish.
Today, I’m going to share with you one of my favourite salads that I could have as a main dish; Beetroot Feta salad. This salad has an earthy taste to it that is to die for; the beetroot & feta compliment each other very well. Every component of this salad brings something to the overall flavour. I would not replace any ingredient … it’s one of those salads that I would not want to change … EVER !!! Most salads need to have a dressing; this one does not need any at all. Trust me.



  • Lettuce.
  • Spinach.
  • Purple cabbage.
  • Steamed Beetroot.
  • Feta.
  • Chopped walnuts.

*Amounts of ingredients will depend on your preference and how many people you want to serve.

Method: Nothing to it; Just chop all ingredients and toss it together.

Live life to the fullest flavours.

Mariann, xo.